"Strike when the enemy isn't looking."
Strength:7. Intelligence:7 . Speed:9
. Endurance:7 . Rank:5 . Courage:8 . Firepower:7 . Skill:7 .
location: Centurion . Sparkling: Onium. Spark Date: June 1. Mate:. Status: Active Decepticon. Unit
alignment:. Direct officer: Prizm. Signature:
Bio: Rather happy where he is, Skywarp doesn’t like being called Juci’s lap dog though
he will smirk when he’s mentioned as a pet. The relationship he enjoys with the femme, is easy to see. He still keeps
his pranks and jokes, and is rather arrogant at times, but since things have changed and the Decepticon Empire holds the future
for Cybertron he hasn’t changed.
Notes: He cares more for Juci than he leads on at times.
His concern came out in waves when Onium was being carried. The complications that Juci underwent made him go to Shockwave
and seek help for her, to the degree of terminating the pregnancy. He and Shockwave conspired to make sure there was a forum
of birth control set in place rather than losing her in a second pregnancy.
Abilities: Skywarp can
reach a top speed of 1500 mph. But what makes him unique is his ability to instantly teleport himself a maximum distance of
2.5 miles. He also carries a heatseeking missile launcher and a variable-caliber machine gun.
Description: Mostly
black, Skywarp also has purple, as wells as silver highlights. He has a typical Earth Seeker F-15 mode.
History: One
of the original Decepticons to have awakened on Earth, Skywarp is well known through out the empire as one of the Elite Warriors.
He has a long outstanding track record.
Weakness: Skywarp's control of the accuracy of his teleportation
power diminishes as the distance he teleports increases. As a result, if he's not too careful, he's likely to crash into things
when he arrives at where he's teleporting. Not being too bright doesn't help him avoid these accidents either. .